For first application and infestations, mix 80 ml of OrganiShield with one gallon of water.
Our product is safe up to 100 ml.
OMRI certified and FDA approved!
Organishield bug control can be used with and will protect all growing environments and field crops, such as commercial and non-commercial greenhouses, hydroponics, home gardens, nursery’s, orchards, corn, potatoes, lettuce, wheat, hops, hemp, marijuana, hay, grain, vegetable, fruit, ornamentals and most production crops. Organishield can be applied with most feeding systems.
Safe to use with the lights on, from seed to all plant phases including day of harvest.
Organishield has not oils and insect tolerance, is fast-acting and eliminates bugs within minutes to hours upon contact.
Organic Bug control.
EPA approved.
OMRI Certified.
Organishield controls and eliminates the following bugs:
- Adelgids
- Aphids (all types)
- Mites (all types)
- Fungus gnats
- Thrips
- Whiteflies
- Caterpillars
- Soft Scales
- Leafhoppers
- Leaf Miners
- Glassy-winged sharpshooters
- Psyllids
- And many more!
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